"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
Erasmus+ 2017-3-ES02-KA205-010298
"Youth Support For a Stronger Europe, Joining Together Against Gender Violence"
Final Meeting in Madrid
Photos Meeting Madrid
The third and final transnational meeting of the KA2 AEF JUVENTUD project took place in Spain, specifically in Madrid, from September 25th to September 28th of 2019 (travel days included).
Most of the participants were located in private accommodation called Vila Hotel , in Benavente. In total there were 14 participants from 6 different associations (MAD for Europe, Asociatia EU-RO-IN, Training to Malta, SERINDFORM, Agrupamento de Escolas de Benavente and I.E.S SANTA ENGRACIA).
Partners who went to this Meeting
Mad for Europe: Katia Maccarone, Gregorio García-Solans and Marta Sáez
Agrupamento de Escolas de Benavente: Paulo Castro Lopes and Graça Fernandes
ASOCIATIA EU-RO-IN: Elena Anghel and Angelica Sandu
I.E.S Santa Engracia: Alicia Eguinoa, Montserrat González Fernández and Ana María Mingoarranz Ortiz.
SERINDFORM SRL: Rita Grazia Peverero and Giuliano Pietro Baracchini
Training to Malta: Ferdinando Comerci​ and Zehra Ozyavru
The meeting had two parts: on the one hand a final event was organized with external guests and on the other hand the meeting between the partners.
Thursday, September 26th
It was the first day of the meeting and the day of the final event. To do this, all partners and coordinators met at the Santa Engracia Institute (headquarters of the partner in Spain) first thing in the morning. There was a reception with students from the institute, who compiled a list of signatures of all attendees.
A total of 50 participants attended, including the partners, teachers of the institute, its director, professors from other institutions, a representative of Vocational Training of the Community, students and external members who wanted to participate in the event. The director of IES Santa Engracia received all attendees with a welcome speech.
Then, the coordinating partner, MAD for Europe, presented the project step by step, explaining the following:
-What is the project about: methodology, objectives and dates
-Presentation partners -Data on gender violence in Spain
-Project Priorities linked to those of the European Union (2020)
-Phases of the project
-Expected results
-What has been done: research in each country, modules taught in the classes, joint document and dissemination
-Impact of the project on the website and social networks
-Meetings and training events (Malta, Italy and Portugal)
Then, each partner country presented its results to the attendees, explaining everything they had done in their countries, such as classroom training, tests that were done to students, the impact on students and a final conclusion.
After this, IES Santa Engracia prepared a Coffee Break in a hall of the institute.
The final event continued with the invitation of an expert on the topic of gender violence among young people. She presented current data on this situation and explained how these types of cases can be avoided in youth settings. It was a very complete presentation and also training for the public, since many students attended. Upon completion, a round of questions began where several members (including project partners) asked questions on the subject.
To end this event, the director of IES Santa Engracia said goodbye to the participants. Afterwards, all the project partners had a social meal in the center of Madrid, and then the coordinators prepared a guided tour of the most emblematic places of the city.
Friday, September 27th
On the second day, only the members met and handed all the necessary documentation to the coordinators: list of signatures, receipts, financial documents, etc. After this, the certificates were distributed and, after a coffee break, a summary of the project was made, reaching several conclusions among all the participants.
It has been a very satisfactory meeting since it has been composed of two parts and both have been able to reach a wide spread and all the planned objectives have been achieved. Thanks to the good coordination of all, the goals established at the beginning of the project have been achieved.
We also had the final conclusions:
Summarising the meeting
Partners feedbacks
Organization of next tasks
Closing remarks, deadlines and responsibilities
Certificate of participation